9'x12' ROYAL(TM) Dense 28 Ounce Recycled Felt Rug Pad for Hard Floors

9'x12' ROYAL(TM) Dense 28 Ounce Recycled Felt Rug Pad for Hard Floors Reviews

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9'x12' ROYAL(TM) Dense 28 Ounce Recycled Felt Rug Pad for Hard Floors Feature

  • ROYAL(TM) rug pads are made in the USA of 100% recycled felt for Rug Pad Warehouse. They are mold/mildew/moth resistant and doe not have an odor or outgas. ROYAL(TM) provides excellent support and protection to rug and floor.
  • ROYAL(TM) is 1/4 inch thick and dense to resist wear and pressure to area rugs and all hard floors
  • ROYAL(TM) rug pads can be used on all hardwood, wood, tile, laminate, vinyl, marble, stone, concrete, linoleum and radiant heat floors. They provide excellent thermal insulation and sound absorbtion.
  • ROYAL(TM) rug pads are safe for the environment and are GREEN LABEL WITH low VOC. They contribute to the LEED system of being clean and green for air quality
  • ROYAL(TM) felt rug pads do not contain chemicals and do not contain rubber, so they should not be used as a non-slip rug pad.
ROYAL(TM) felt rug pad by Rug Pad Warehouse is an excellent barrier between any area rug and any floor. ROYAL(TM) rug pad is all recycled felt, made in the USA and does not have any odor or chemicals and is GREEN LABEL for air quality. Use ROYAL(TM) rug pads under any type of rugs or carpets on all hard floors to add protection to rugs and floors, reducing any premature wear to rugs and any damage to floors. ROYAL(TM) is an excellent source of insulation against cold and noise and is commonly used in apartments to add to a comfortable environment. ROYAL(TM) adds a dense yet comfortable full 1/4 of an inch thickness to make any hard floor seem softer.

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Aug 16, 2011 21:00:04

1" Diameter Value Pack Floor Protector Pads & 1400 Series Rug Pad 5' X 8'

1" Diameter Value Pack Floor Protector Pads & 1400 Series Rug Pad 5' X 8' Reviews

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1" Diameter Value Pack Floor Protector Pads & 1400 Series Rug Pad 5' X 8' Feature

  • Felt pads are 1" in diameter and very durable
  • Protects furniture legs from scratching floors
  • Rug pad will prevent carpet from moving out of place
  • Rug pad will not keep water from leaking through them
  • Search for Cleverbrand on Amazon and find more great products.
The Cleverbrand Floor Protection Kit is the perfect item to help keep your floors looking flawless. The 1" diameter floor pad value pack comes with 144 pieces of felt pads that is perfect to put under your chairs to prevent scratches and other damages to your floors. It provides cushioning for doors and drawers during closure and can be used underneath any object to prevent it from damaging any type of surface. The rug pad is super durable and high quality. It is extra thick and offers extremely soft cushioning and slip-resistance for the carpet. Treated with an anti-bacterial agent, these pads avoid collecting mold, mildew, or odors. They are fire resistant, moth proof and easy to cut so you can customize the size and shape to fit any rug! Note: Rug pads will not keep water from leaking through them!

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Aug 11, 2011 03:00:04